The essence of the ESG agenda has long been our own, only now its criteria are graspable. Values of responsibility and sustainability at REDSTONE we implement in key areas.
From risk management, through a holistic approach to materials to our relationships. Because the present forms the future.

Practical overlaps of respect
to ESG
Atraktivita pro investory
Investoři chtějí odpovědné a udržitelné společnosti. ESG přináší nové investice a stabilnější výnosy.
Massive competitive advantage
The ESG-supporting community is growing, success and responsibility go hand in hand. Sustainable projects attract environmentally and ethically conscious clients and tenants.
Respect for regulations and focus on trends
An active approach to regulations enables compliance with current legislation and prediction of trends. We are preparing for new standards ahead of time.
Improving the reputation and strength of the brand
A responsible company has a strong name, increases customer loyalty, attractiveness for talents, as well as team morale.
Real long-term sustainability
REDSTONE's ESG strategy ensures business sustainability. Investing in liability generates long-term savings and stability.
How we specifically implement ESG
Environmental initiatives
Energetically Economical buildings
Stavíme energeticky úsporné budovy. Ve srovnání s konvenčními budovami spoří až 30 % energie.

Use of renewable resources
We provided residential projects in Olomouc with roof panels and 50% of electricity consumption comes from renewable sources.

It's sustainable building materials
We use wood from certified forests, recycled concrete as well as steel. We support a circular economy.

Respectful creation of ecosystems
We support the original character of the territory. In the Šantovka District project, we count on the revitalization of Mlýnský potok as a key part of the environment.

Social responsibility
Support local communities
We work with communities and increase quality of life. In the implementation sites, we finance the reconstruction of parks and playgrounds.

It's security
We equip construction sites with sophisticated security features. We provide support to people in society for healthy lifestyles and relaxation.

Equality of chances
Naturally, we ensure equal opportunities for all and consciously build an open family atmosphere. We create conditions for all team members for personal, professional and career growth.

Effective management
Transparency and ethics
We publish information on key activities and financial results. We adhere to ethical standards and prevent corruption and conflicts of interest.

Risk management
We manage risks in a robust system. With a predictive approach, we treat the long-term stability and success of all projects.

Digital Transformation
We manage projects in hi-end software solutions. We use data analytics and artificial intelligence to predict risks and optimize costs.

Our ESG strategy delivers a wide range of benefits — from attracting responsible investors and reducing risk to improving reputation and long-term sustainability. With our proactive approach to ESG, we differentiate ourselves from the competition and create value that transcends individual project boundaries.

The future,
We are already creating
Reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030
Expanding the use of solar energy on all new projects.
Support for other social initiatives and the development of new community projects.